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29 de maio de 2009

Atlas of Urodynamics

Urodynamics is the investigation of the function of the lower urinary tract - the bladder and urethra - using physical measurements such as urine pressure and flow rate as well as clinical assessment. The assessment begins with a medical history and examination, which may for example reveal abnormalities within the lower abdomen or pelvis that are contributing to the lower urinary tract symptoms. It then proceeds to instrumental measurements which provides information about bladder capacity, urine flow rate, the frequency of passage of urine and episodes of incontinence and getting up at night to urinate. The diary can also outline other problems such as excessive fluid intake. The focus of this lavishly illustrated volume is on unique, high quality urodynamic tracings and scans provided by urologists, neurologists, gynecologists and physiatrists. The fresh, open design features two illustrations per page with accompanying single column text. Callouts in the margins highlight cautions and notes that provide quickly retrievable information in easily understood language. This creates a practical, logically planned and user friendly reference. Atlas of Urodynamics reviews functions and disorders of the lower urinary tract, explaining diagnostic modalities, evaluation, and treatment methods. Part I details how to set up a urodynamic laboratory and discusses simple versus complex equipment and testing, with chapters on individual urodynamic techniques. Part II illustrates common and unique findings in neurologic conditions, voiding dysfunction in women, and prostatic incontinence in men, and looks at the special problems of the pediatric and geriatric patient. There are four new chapters in the second edition; Leak point pressure, video urodynamics, diabetes mellitus, and an appendix on good practice. The section on female urology has been completely re-organised and expanded. There is no other atlas on this highly visual and diagrammatic subject. The contributors represent the specialties of urology and obstetrics and gynecology.

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