30 de maio de 2009
29 de maio de 2009
Atlas of Urodynamics
Urodynamics is the investigation of the function of the lower urinary tract - the bladder and urethra - using physical measurements such as urine pressure and flow rate as well as clinical assessment. The assessment begins with a medical history and examination, which may for example reveal abnormalities within the lower abdomen or pelvis that are contributing to the lower urinary tract symptoms. It then proceeds to instrumental measurements which provides information about bladder capacity, urine flow rate, the frequency of passage of urine and episodes of incontinence and getting up at night to urinate. The diary can also outline other problems such as excessive fluid intake. The focus of this lavishly illustrated volume is on unique, high quality urodynamic tracings and scans provided by urologists, neurologists, gynecologists and physiatrists. The fresh, open design features two illustrations per page with accompanying single column text. Callouts in the margins highlight cautions and notes that provide quickly retrievable information in easily understood language. This creates a practical, logically planned and user friendly reference. Atlas of Urodynamics reviews functions and disorders of the lower urinary tract, explaining diagnostic modalities, evaluation, and treatment methods. Part I details how to set up a urodynamic laboratory and discusses simple versus complex equipment and testing, with chapters on individual urodynamic techniques. Part II illustrates common and unique findings in neurologic conditions, voiding dysfunction in women, and prostatic incontinence in men, and looks at the special problems of the pediatric and geriatric patient. There are four new chapters in the second edition; Leak point pressure, video urodynamics, diabetes mellitus, and an appendix on good practice. The section on female urology has been completely re-organised and expanded. There is no other atlas on this highly visual and diagrammatic subject. The contributors represent the specialties of urology and obstetrics and gynecology.
27 de maio de 2009
PROCEDURES CONSULT: http://www.youtube.com/user/ProceduresConsult
MEDiscuss: http://www.youtube.com/user/MEDiscuss
TrainingWithUs: http://www.youtube.com/user/TrainingWithUs
MEDiscuss: http://www.youtube.com/user/MEDiscuss
TrainingWithUs: http://www.youtube.com/user/TrainingWithUs
22 de maio de 2009
Crash Course: Surgery [Crash Course (Mosby)]

This user-friendly review tool presents all of the information essential to understanding the practice of surgery-all in a modern, fun, and accessible format. Written for students, it covers both basic science and clinical content, focusing on those areas that the students consider crucial to review.
Current Surgical Therapy BY CAMERON

The 8th Edition of this much-lauded reference of general and vascular surgery presents all-new coverage of contemporary management. 300 contributors¡Xselected not only for their prominence in the field, but also for their active involvement in patient care¡Xoffer practice-proven approaches that reflect all of the scientific and technical advances of the last three years. Brief, focused chapters make this an ideal tool for board examinations and recertification as well as preparation before surgery. For faster reference, chapters follow a consistent format. 1,075 illustrations and diagrams make every nuance of technique easy to follow. Diagnosis and pathophysiology are discussed only to the extent that they affect treatment choices, enabling the text to focus on the hands-on, how-tos surgeons need.
„h Focuses entirely on contemporary surgical management, making it an excellent reference for the surgeon who wants to keep abreast of new techniques or brush up on other procedures.
Brief, focused chapters written by an acknowledged expert in the field makes this an ideal study tool for board examinations and recertification.
Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (A Hodder Arnold Publication)

A manual for the trainee and qualified surgeon, covering every aspect of surgical trauma care.
Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/234932901/Manual_of_Definitive_Surgical_Trauma_Care.pdf
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease [Modern Nutrition in Health & Disease (Shils)]

The Tenth Edition of this widely acclaimed book is a complete, authoritative reference on nutrition and its role in contemporary medicine, dietetics, nursing, public health, and public policy. Distinguished international experts provide in-depth information on historical landmarks in nutrition, specific dietary components, nutrition in integrated biologic systems, nutritional assessment through the life cycle, nutrition in various clinical disorders, and public health and policy issues. This 50th Anniversary edition offers coverage of nutrition’s role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease.
Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/29144509/MNUTRHD.rar
17 de maio de 2009
4 de maio de 2009
2 de maio de 2009
ACLS Student CD

The ACLS Student CD is part of the official material provided by American Heart Association in ACLS courses. The contents of this CD are very good:
ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment Test (PC only)
ACLS Supplementary Materials
ACLS Core Drugs
ACLS Science Overview Video
BLS for Healthcare Providers Videos
No need to install anything. Just unzip to a folder of your choice (ACLS 2005, for example) and click on the file index.
http://www.mdblogger.com.br )
Password to unpack: elzorrillodoctor
Common Surgical Diseases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving

Written by leaders in their fields, Common Surgical Diseases, Second Edition, provides surgical residents and housestaff with a current, concise and algorithmic approach to frequently encountered problems. Over 100 chapters detail every common surgical disease in the form of a succinct text coupled with a step-by-step algorithm. This approach walks the reader through the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the most common surgical problems. Updated and revised, the Second Edition includes new chapters in: - Trauma surgery, including traumatic hematuria, knee dislocation, hip fractures, extremity fractures - Abdominal surgery, including indications for renal and liver transplantation - critical care, including management of cardiac arrhythmias, ventilator management, hypoxia and pulmonary embolism, and the hypotensive postoperative patient. The condensed yet precise nature of this book makes it an excellent quick reference and an absolute essential for practicing surgeons, surgical housestaff, and for medical students in their surgical clerkship.
- Paperback: 414 pages
- Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. edition (May 8, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0387752455
- ISBN-13: 978-0387752457
- Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.3 x 0.9 inches
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