Fim do Ano

3 de julho de 2009

Critical Care Medicine Tutorials

This site was developed to help residents during their critical care rotation in the surgical ICU at the University of Pennsylvania. This information is for personal study purposes only. Material on this website cannot be distributed, for commercial purposes, without my permission.
I would like to thank readers for their comments. There will be a large revision of this site in the spring of 2007 (it's 5th anniversary). All of the pages will be updated, material will be added to fill the empty "holes" on the site, and certain parts will be available as pdf downloads. In particular, the section on Respiratory Failure will be fully revised and published as a downloadable textbook, written by myself and Dr Maurizio Cereda.

Unfortunately, I am not in a position to answer each email sent, however, if you want a reply to questions (in the submission box below), please type in your email address. I can be also contacted by mail, thru the Department of Anesthesia, University of Pennsylvania.
Please note no responsibility is taken by me or the University for mistakes made in the text. The material in this site has not undergone peer review or rigorous editing.
Pat Neligan December 2006
