23 de junho de 2009
22 de junho de 2009
10 de junho de 2009
5 de junho de 2009
Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology, 5th Edition

Book Properties:
Author: Andy Adam, Adrian K. Dixon, Ronald G. Grainger, David J. Allison
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Number Of Pages: 1936
Year: 2007
ISBN: 0443101639
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Book Description:
Now published in 2 volumes, the new edition of this landmark text gives you a succinct but comprehensive account of all currently available imaging modalities and their clinical applications. Extensively revised and restructured, it is an excellent review text for resident radiologists, offering detailed information on all the imaging modalities and interventional procedures needed for exam preparation. Additionally, it helps the practicing radiologists with a concentrated overview of the latest imaging techniques covering all parts of the body.
Download (.CHM): Part 1 (95MB) + Part 2 (95MB) + Part 3 (27MB)
4 de junho de 2009
Chest Radiology: The Essentials, 2007

Book Properties:
Author: Jannette Collins, Eric J Stern
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Number Of Pages: 432
ISBN-10: 0781763142
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Book Description:
Revised to reflect the current cardiothoracic radiology curriculum for diagnostic radiology residency, this concise text provides the essential knowledge needed to interpret chest radiographs and CT scans. This edition includes nearly 800 new images obtained with state-of-the-art technology and a new chapter on cardiac imaging. A new patterns of lung disease section provides a one-stop guide to recognizing and understanding findings seen on thin-section CT. This edition also includes the new classification of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, current techniques for evaluating solitary pulmonary nodules, an algorithm for managing incidental nodules seen on chest CT, the new World Health Organization classification of lung tumors, and numerous new cases in the self-assessment chapter.
Download (.CHM): Part 1 (50MB) + Part 2 (49MB)
Gastrointestinal Imaging: The Requisites

Book Properties:
Title: Gastrointestinal Imaging: The Requisites
Author: Robert D. Halpert
Publisher: Mosby
Pages: 384
Year: 2006
ISBN: 0323032214
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Book Description:
This concise, practical resource covers all of todays need-to-know information in gastrointestinal imaging…in an exceptionally user-friendly format. Because its so compact, clinically oriented, and easy to read, this new volume in the Requisites series is an ideal study tool as well as a convenient reference for practice. Presents core knowledge and expertise in gastrointestinal imaging. Delivers more than 750 outstanding illustrations that demonstrate a full range of gastrointestinal imaging approaches and findings. Offers numerous outlines, tables, pearls, and boxed material for easy reading and reference. Organized in a user-friendly way: by organ system and then by radiologic finding within the chapter. Includes new coverage of multi-slice CT to keep you on the cutting edge in radiology. Updates and replaces images and modalities from previous editions to reflect current trends in radiology.
Textbook of Radiology and Imaging 7th Edition (Two Vol. Set)

Book Properties:
Title: Textbook of Radiology and Imaging 7th Edition (Two Vol. Set)
Author: David Sutton
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Pages: 1650
Year: 2002
ISBN: 0443071098
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Book Description:
A Two-Volume reference on the scientific basis and clinical practice of radiology, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and up-dated with the latest technologies and modalities in the field. The book is organized by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis. The emphasis in on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice. The text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations.
* Comprehensive overview of contemporary radiological practice
* Emphasises a multi-modality approach to diagnosis
* Highly selective and current list of references for further investigation
* Abundant illustrations (almost 5,000 radiological images as well as many graphs and tables) clarify and enhance the text whenever appropriate
* Increased coverage of mammography, radiology imaging of trauma, transplantation and oncology
* All chapters thoroughly revised, deleting obsolete techniques
* Approximately 30% of the illustrations are brand new
* Highlights the latest technical advances in CT, MR, Ultrasound and radionuclide agents
Download (.PDF;): Part 1 (67MB) + Part 2 (76MB)